Training Camp...
Grueling, exhausting, getting pushed to the breaking point - all to reach an ultimate goal - and in this case - a happy, well rested baby.
My last "countdown" post I wrote about Iz's astrological sign. Since she was born on the 19th, she isn't a Cancer - she's a a Gemini...
This Little One has duel personalities. She can be a complete sweet, little, happy Angel and then a second later turn beet red, scrunch up her face, wail like there's no tomorrow.
I swear, I think CPS is going to come knocking on my door the way this little one cries. She gets so easily frustrated (Craig trait) when things aren't exactly perfect (a me trait).
We've used all of our skills - Happiest Baby on the Block tricks, bribing, swing, paci, you name it...but if Izzy isn't happy - she just isn't happy.
She also did not get the memo that babies her age are supposed to sleep 16-18 hours a day. She is happy staring off into space while I hold her. I try to look in the same direction to see what she's looking at - but nope - nada.
We've had our battles in the evenings. She struggles to get to sleep and gets SO tired and has a hard time getting to sleep. So, we hold her, give her baby crack (aka the Pacifier) and she'll calm down....most of the time.
Craig and I laugh about it though. She gets SO mad. It's cute the first couple of times - but at 3am...not so much.
Craig has been a God send. A great Dad. An even better husband. He helped a lot during her first week. I slept from 9:00-11:30PM - while he watcher her - I got up - fed her and he went to bed. He would wake up around 5am - and take over while I slept a few hours. We had a great routine down...then he had to go back to work on Monday :-(
Right now, Iz and I are in survival mode. Just trying to take it day by day and keep my sanity. She's asleep now and I'm getting ready to try and rest while I have the quiet.
We've been blessed with great friends from church that have brought us meals every night. We've been blessed even more with great family that comes and helps out as much as possible.
Motherhood. Not full of Hallmark moments. But, there are glimpses of greatness every day that keep me and Craig going.
Iz has huge eyes that just look right at you. You couple that with her little fingers wrapped around mine....priceless. She makes a sweet sighing sound when I nurse her that I love to hear every time we feed. She lets out huge burps and has some gas "issues" that make me and Craig laugh because we just can't figure out how a baby as small as she is makes sounds as loud as she does. Watching Craig hold her and soothe her and see how much he loves her - wow - I can't even begin to describe that.
It's so much tougher than anything I have or will ever do. It's so much work and truly thankless. There have been moments filled with tears, feelings of inadequacy, thoughts of my abilities to be the mom that she needs....but also moments of sheer joy that is indescribable.
I love that Iz has made me a mom. I love that she's training me to rely on God for my strength to get through each moment. I love that she is nothing how I envisioned but so much more...much, much more!