Friday, January 2, 2009

8 things from 2008 I'll remember forever

8. Living in Dominica - loathing it, leaving it, missing itTalk about beauty
Memories I'll keep forever

7. Moving to Miami - being in the same country as my husband but not in the same zip code was still not fun - but I still had a little fun :-)
Back when I was fun...

6. Traveling - I visited - Puerto Rico, Les Saintes, San Francisco, Miami, New York, London, Paris, and Lubbock

5. Getting Dengue fever and surviving it while in Dominica - I'll spare you the pics of my gross rash

4. Moving back to Dallas and being a wife again - then moving AGAIN out of our little, run-down, shack (aka duplex) back to Duncanville

3. My possible diagnosis of thyroid cancer and the tests I went through to find out I didn't have thyroid cancer but Hashimoto's (autoimmune disorder) instead - now that was a time of trust and surrender to the Lord I had never experienced

2. Making the most difficult decision of my life to take time off from school....

1. Finding out Craig and I were going to be parents to Baby Hounsel due in June 2009

What a year! I never thought in a million years I would have a life full of hills and valleys like I have experienced. 2009 is going to be a whole different adventure that I am excited, nervous, hopeful, anxious about. What a life I've been blessed with!


Shauna said...

Great list. I have been writing my list in my head over the past few days! I need to get it down in the blog.

Heather said...

Wow!! What a year!

I had no clue that you had been so sick. I had never heard of Hashimoto's, so I looked it up. Thank God it wasn't cancer! Not that this is good either, but it sounded like you could control it with medication.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I bet it was terrifying!!

Congratulations again on your pregnancy! So exciting!

What a blessing!

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