Today Craig and I celebrate the birthday of our family...
more commonly known as a wedding anniversary.
On this day, 6 years ago - we made a commitment to one another to love, honor and cherish.
I didn't realize how powerful those words and the vows we said in front of family and friends - how truly powerful - they are.
But, my marriage is also my Achilles heel.
It's not because my marriage is weak - but because it's in my marriage that I find my greatness weakness.
And that's my husband.
He's the one I love more than life itself, the one that knows me inside and out, the one that I have no secrets from, the one that gives me strength, the one that I yield to, the one I submit to, the one that shows me happiness, and the one that can hurt me the most.
Craig's the one.
But, it's in this weakness that I find the bonds of our union to be much stronger than I ever thought possible. It's in my weakness for him that I find myself amazed at the unbelievable power a marriage has.
We said vows 6 years ago. And from those "I Do's" started a chain of events that have led to our lives today.
Our life that now includes a legacy in Isabelle. A joining of two souls to create one eternal soul.
That's power.
Married life has been a comedy - funny moments strung together - that when replayed in my memory - make me smile (inside and out).
Married life has been adventure and hard work - travel, separation (during medical - 2 years apart...), parenthood, trials, that when replayed in my memory - makes me gleam with pride at what we've been through.
Married life has been romance - the millions of kisses, the big bear hugs, the youknowwhattimes - when replayed in my memory makes me blush - because after knowing him 15 years - I still get butterflies for the man that's been by my side for nearly half my life.
To many more years to come...
Happy Anniversary!!! So exciting :o)
Hello and God bless you with His Love -
I came across your Blog and glad I did!
Your little girl is so sweet!
May He give you abundant joy
and peace as you know Him more and more ...
Blessings -
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