Tuesday, March 31, 2009

#89 - wow - we're in the 80s now!

89 Days to go...

Morning Little One! We're getting closer and closer to you getting here...

You know what I pray for you? I pray you have at least one good friend in every stage of your life.

I think it's so important that you have quality friends - friends you can count on - even if its just a two or three other people.

I've been blessed to have women in my life at every stage that have impacted me.

Shauna was my best friend growing up. We had similar morals and both of our parent's were pretty strict. It really helped us to stay on the same course through high school. We're still friends to this day!

Me and Shauna

Also in high school, I made friends with other women that are still dear to my heart. Ashley is baking a baby boy for you. She is one friend that doesn't make excuses and makes efforts to work at our friendship. Sometimes it can be hard to get together, but she always finds time for me.

Then I went to college...I wasn't sure what to expect. Then, God blessed me with Christi. She lived down the hall from me at Chitwood (oh - college!) and then we were roommates the rest of the time. Chappy is the kind of person who is always reaching out to me and makes the effort to call every couple of weeks, email me and plan dinners to see one another. She's a LOYAL friend and I am so thankful for her. She's also baking a boyfriend for you...man...you'll have your pick of cuties!
Me and Chap

After college I wondered if I would make more friends or if the few I had would be it for life.

Then, God blessed me with Adeline. Now, Adeline and I haven't been friends for very long - maybe 4 years. But, we have a great time every time we're together. She ALSO has a little boy for you - Luke is over 4 months old now - but it's cool if you like older men :-) I am always so thankful for her when she makes the effort to meet up - and she does it like it's no big deal - when I know toting around a baby is hard work.
Adeline and Luke

I thought God was done...then he introduced me to Mel and Stacy. Mel is mommy to Jonah and his Daddy is one of Craig's best buds. She is so centered and focused but is also so much fun. She's the kind of person you can sit down and have a deep conversation with but also laugh, and laugh, and laugh with.

Mel and Jonah

Stacy...oh where to begin with Stacy...she's my soul sister. Seriously - we were cut from the same cloth. We're brash and sarcastic and there's always laughter when we're together. She's also a friend that I can count on - no matter what. I don't doubt for a second that God placed her in my life because He knew at that time we needed each other's friendship. She is mommy to Charleigh - your soon to be BFF...
Me and Stacy...and Charleigh's in her belly!


Then med school happened - and I met a cast of characters that I know will play recurring roles in my life. Zahra, Sonia, Lauren....funny young women but hearts as pure as they come.

Nicole - my sweet friend who is always honest, always praying for us, and if she lived in Texas, I know she'd be someone we'd see everyday!
me and Nicole

Then there's Jamie...my crazy (like mentally crazy) friend...I say mentally crazy because we are both ridiculous. We are both mental cases and WE KNOW it! She's my friend who I KNOW won't ever judge me, will laugh with me, eat lots of meals with me, work out til we work off those meals, procrastinate with me, pray with me and pray for me.
me and Jamie

See how God works Little One? See how beautifully He mapped out my life and placed those women when I needed them the most. I can't wait to see who He places in your path and who will become a part of your heart. For now sweet girl..keep on growing!


Adeline said...

What a sweet post and thanks so much for including me in it. I am very thankful for your friendship.

Jamers said...

Aww, Czarina...I just read this and now I'm crying...mentally crazy- you nabbed it! :o) Miss you and love you!!!

What a blessing!

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