I experience Mommy rush hour today.
The hour of time before you have to get to school.
Today - school was Iz's first day of Mother's Day Out at a great place.
I walked into a quiet house around 7:30am this morning after I got back from taking my aunt to work.
I was expecting the hubs and the kid to be up finishing breakfast and getting ready for the day.
But, it was a quiet house.
Kid asleep.
Hubs asleep.
Dogs awake and waiting to be fed.
My blood pressure shot up to dangerous numbers.
It was 7 flippin 30!
What the heck!
We had to be out the door by 8:10am - only 40 minutes away.
So, I woke up the kid, the hubs woke up, and tried to get last minute details done.
Lunch and snacks packed in the bag pack.
Forms filled out.
Car loaded up with the bags, work stuff, nap mat, monkey...
Rush hour....
The hubs - God love him - needed to get his oil changed. So he decided to go at 7:50...today.
Of course, I didn't ask him to wait and do it later. Which he would have done - but I am a woman...
Me, being a woman, expected him to read the stress level on my face, see the sweat on my brow, the tears about to well up as I was getting ready to send my baby to school for the first time.
But, he went. C'est la vie.
So, I had to get Iz dressed, car packed, and take the pics to capture this special day.
We got into the car, monkey in tow, Dora bag pack full of food for the day, and went to get the hubs at the oil change place.
We had 4 minutes to get to school....we have a 15 minute commute.
I was rushing.
We got to school safely. I used my best Nascar moves (which in me speak is about 5 MPH over the speed limit).
I was frantic. I hate being late - especially on a special day like today.
We walked in and the director gave me a hug.
And then I cried.
And then Iz cried.
And then Craig - no he didn't cry.
Iz wouldn't stop crying. And then she threw a fit. And then Craig tried to carry the monkey, the Dora bag, the kid who was crying and then one by one the things fell out of his arms.
And I gave him the death stare - you know ladies - the one that says "Seriously..." in one glance...
And then we bickered on the way to her class.
And then we got to her class.
And Iz was not having it. I walked in, holding back tears (I'm a big girl), put up her stuff in her cubby, and her sweet teacher took over.
I let a complete stranger take over care for my kid.
We made a quick escape and listened as Iz's tears subsided.
I drove to work, called her school twice, and was twice reassured that she was doing fabulously.
I was 30 minutes early to pick her up.
She did great. Loved playing, loved lunch time with her new buddies, slept on her nap mat with no problems.
I dropped off my crying baby and picked up my independent, happy toddler.
I got my first piece of art work. It's a brown smudge on a piece of white construction paper.
It's a masterpiece. I am so proud of her.
1 comment:
I read this and started crying. I am going tomorrow to look at a school for Owen and I am excited for him but so sad for me. I can't imagine turning him over to the outside world yet without me being with him. I mean, we have been with our kids so much for the past 18+ months and now we have to trust others to do that for us. I am a nervous wreck too. I love you!
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